Was steckt hinter agilem Methoden? Eine Anleitung für Führungskräfte

Was sind agile Methoden? Diese Frage hören wir oft. Agile is a method that enables teams to respond quickly and unexpectedly to comments made about their products. It provides chances to evaluate a product's direction throughout the development process. Iterations or sprints are regular meetings where teams evaluate their work products.
A very powerful technique, agile aids businesses in creating the ideal product. Because it enables them to evaluate and enhance their product as it develops, the management process is particularly advantageous to software firms. This makes it possible for businesses to create a highly valuable product in order to remain competitive in the market.
Where did Agile come from?
The agile manifesto was created in 2001 by a small group of individuals who were fed up with the conventional method of controlling software development products. It is a better way for overseeing the development of software products.
The agile manifesto has four important values:
- The focus should be more on individuals and interactions instead of processes and tools
- Working software is more important than comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration is more vital than contract negotiation
- The process should respond to change rather than follow a plan
There are 12 principles of agile software development:
- Deliver customer satisfaction by delivering valuable software continuously
- Always accept changes of requirements matter how early or late in the project
- Deliver software that works within a shorter timescale
- Both developers and business professionals must work closely together daily throughout the project
- Information is best transferred between parties in face-to-face conversations
- Motivate people to build a project by creating an environment of appreciation, trust, and empowerment
- Working software is the key measure of progress
- The agile process promotes sustainable development
- Continuous attention to excellence and quality in technical development and design boosts the agility
- 10 Simplicity is a vital part of effective agile management
- Self-organized teams produce the best architecture, requirements, and design
- Teams should reflect through inspection and adaption to be more effective
Several agile methodologies support the values and tenets of the manifesto. XP and Scrum are two prominent examples.
The Benefits of Agile Software Development
Agile meetings were created by top software professionals. They sought to establish a more effective method for analyzing product development after continually encountering difficulties and constraints caused by traditional waterfall development in real-world products. They adopted a strategy that directly addresses concerns with traditional techniques' ideas and procedures.
Stakeholder Engagement and Satisfaction
Each sprint meeting offers numerous opportunity for sincere collaboration between the team and the stakeholders thanks to the agile process. There is constant communication between all parties because the client is actively involved in the entire product. This offers the team the ability to comprehend the client's vision in its entirety. Frequent delivery of high-quality, functional software helps the team quickly build a rapport with the stakeholders. Additionally, this encourages client and team engagement.
The client is actively involved in all phases of the product, including iteration planning, review meetings, and the development of new software features, under the agile methodology. Customers, however, must be aware that they are viewing a work in progress and not the finished product when the product is transparent.
Early and Predictable Delivery
Sprints last one to four weeks and follow a set program. Predictability is strong when utilizing this time-boxed approach since stakeholders can receive new features promptly and regularly. Also, if the program has sufficient financial value, it enables the team to beta test or deploy it sooner.
Predictable Costs and Schedule
The expenditures are capped, predictable, and based on the quantity of work completed because the Sprints are on a set timetable. The client will have a better understanding of the approximate price of each feature by aggregating the anticipated expenses before each Sprint. When deciding which features to prioritize or how many iterations to add, this provides better decision-making options.
Flexible Prioritization
Scrum techniques prioritize customer-driven features, which gives them more flexibility. With each sprint boundary, the team gains greater autonomy in managing the deliverable units of work, advancing consistently toward the milestone for the end product. The work must be shipped early to the clients so they can appreciate the value of the features in order to receive a timely RIO from engineering.
Allows for Change
Agile procedures offer the chance to continuously reprioritize and improve the product backlog, even though the main goal should be to deliver the agreed-upon subset of features. The additional improvements can be implemented within a few weeks if these changes are added to the following iteration.
Focuses on Business Value
The team can deliver features that add the most value to the client's business since they have a deeper understanding of what is most crucial for that firm.
Focuses on Users
The product features as they relate to business-focused acceptance criteria are frequently defined using the user's narrative. Each feature gives genuine value and is not merely an IT component by concentrating on the demands of the user. After each Sprint, it offers a greater chance to conduct beta testing of the software and collect insightful feedback. This offers critical input earlier in the development process, allowing for any necessary modifications.
Improves Quality
The product is divided into digestible components, allowing the team to concentrate on high-quality development, testing, and teamwork. Defects and mismatches can be detected and repaired early by producing builds and carrying out tests or reviews throughout the iteration, enhancing overall quality.
It gives your team Purpose
The majority of agile processes place a strong emphasis on establishing common objectives and goals for the entire team. Instead than instilling a false feeling of urgency, this offers your staff a purpose. Teams that work for a common goal are more productive and push each other to work more quickly and effectively.
The Business Benefits of Agile
The common risks related to product delivery, scope, and budget are reduced by agile management.
It promotes cooperation between the customer and the team, providing benefits for both parties in the reduction of significant risks during software development.
Dr. David F. Rico compared Agile and conventional software product management techniques in 2009. He examined 23 Agile processes while conducting his research and synthesizing them, contrasting them with 7,500 conventional projects.
He found 20 benefits to Agile products:
- 41% were better in terms of overall business value
- 83% showed quicker time-to-market speeds
- 50% were higher in quality
- 50% were less costly
- 83% were more productive
Agile Methodologies
Several agile approaches exist; they all have comparable concepts, traits, and practices. Yet, each agile has its own techniques, lingo, and strategies from the perspective of implementation. The following are some of the key elements of the agile software development methodology:
Scrum is a framework for management with broad capabilities for managing iterations and increments across all project types. They can be combined with other agile approaches and different engineering practices and are lightweight. Scrums are becoming more and more popular among those who work in agile software development since they are straightforward and have a high rate of productivity.
Lean and Kanban
1.Lean Software Development
Mary and Tom Poppendieck created the iterative process known as lean software development. The lean enterprise movement and large corporations like Toyota were the originators of many of the principles and techniques utilized in lean software development. Giving the consumer an effective "Value Stream" mechanism that transfers value to the product is the main goal of this value-based approach.
The main principles of this methodology are:
- Eliminate waste
- Amplify learning
- Make decisions as late as possible
- Deliver results as quickly as possible
- Empower the team
- Build integrity
- Envision the whole project
Waste is eliminated by prioritizing and delivering just the features in tiny batches that are truly valuable to the system. Instead, the lean technique places a focus on efficiency and speed, depending on quick, accurate feedback from users and programmers. The notion that consumer requests "pull" the product is the main theme. Instead than using a hierarchy-controlled system, the emphasis is more on how quickly and effectively individuals or small teams can make decisions. This methodology focuses on the resource efficiency of the team, ensuring that everyone is consistently as productive as possible.
2.The Kanban Method
The Kanban method is used by businesses to control the product's development while putting a focus on ongoing delivery and avoiding overtaxing the development team. Kanban techniques, like Scrum, are intended to make teamwork more effective.
There are three principles:
- Visualize what you do: see all the items within the context of each other – more informative
- Limit the amount of work in progress (WIP): balance the flow-based approach so teams are not committed to doing too much work at once
- Enhance the flow: as soon as one task is finished, start on the next highest job from the backlog
The Kanban method encourages ongoing communication between the team and the client. It promotes continuous learning and development to give the team the finest workflow possible.
Extreme Programming (XP)
Kent Beck was the first to explain extreme programming (XP). One of the most well-known and contentious agile approaches is this one. XP is a very structured approach to consistently producing higher-quality software more quickly. The close-knit team aggressively involves the customer in ongoing planning, testing, and quick feedback in order to often produce functional software. The program should be given every one to three weeks at intervals.
The original XP method is based on four simple values:
- Simplicity
- Communication
- Feedback
- Courage
It has 12 supporting practices:
- Planning game
- Small releases
- Customer acceptance tests
- Simple design
- Pair programming
- Test-driven development
- Refactoring
- Continuous integration
- Collective code ownership
- Coding standards
- Metaphor
- Sustainable pace
The Crystal process is one of the simplest and most flexible methods for creating software. It consists of a number of agile procedures, such as Clear, Crystal Yellow, Crystal Orange, and other specially specified ones. These procedures are influenced by a number of variables, such as the size of the team, the importance of the system, and the priorities of the product.
The Crystal family places emphasis on the understanding that each product has distinctive qualities, so the rules and processes must be specially adjusted to take these traits into account.
The Crystal method has several essential tenets including:
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Simplicity
- Reflection
- Frequent adjustments
- Improve processes
Like other techniques, this agile process encourages the release of functional software frequently and early. High user interaction, adaptability, and the removal of red tape are all encouraged.
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
In order to establish an industry-standard framework for product delivery for what was then known as rapid application development, the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) was created in 1994. (RAD).
Although being extremely popular in the 1990s, the RAD approach evolved in an unorganized way.
The DSDM has developed and improved since its inception; it now offers a thorough basis for planning, managing, executing, and scaling the agile process and iterative products.
DSDM has six key principles revolving around the business needs:
- Value
- Active user involvement
- Empowered teams
- Frequent delivery
- Integrated testing
- Stakeholder collaboration
For delivery and acceptance criteria, DSDM employs a "fitness for business purpose" strategy. It mainly emphasizes the rule of thumb: 80% system deployment in 20% time.
Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
Feature-Driven Development was created by Jeff De Luca with assistance from A.m. Rajashima, Lim Bak Wee, Paul Szego, Jon Kern, and Stephen Palmer (FDD). The agile model's structure is first established in this model-driven, quick iteration approach.
"Design by feature, build by feature" iterations take place every two weeks. Customers are drawn to the characteristics since they are compact and practical.
The FDD design and development is delivered using these eight practices:
- Domain object modelling
- Development of features
- Component and class ownership
- Feature teams
- Inspections
- Configuration management
- Regular builds
- Visibility of progress and results
Agile Process
A major software product is divided into multiple smaller components by using the agile process, allowing for incremental and iterative development. According to studies, there is an inverse relationship between product size and success (i.e.: the shorter the product, the higher the success rate).
By dividing the project into smaller products, the agile methodology decreases the size of the project. Agile management differs from traditional management techniques because of its iterative process.
Agile management, in contrast to previous approaches, employs iterations during the planning and development phases. Typically, an iteration lasts one week.
The product team and customer team work together during these meetings to decide what should be prioritized for inclusion in the iteration. The end result is a working software program that is immediately supplied to the customer in a setting similar to production.
Thereafter, customers can test their program and make any necessary adjustments. As adjustments are made to the application, numerous releases are issued during the process. Until the project is finished, this iteration process is repeated.
General management and Agile
Today, software development is an essential part of practically every organization. Hence, Agile is a crucial practice for all types of organizations and jobs.
Agile project management approaches are a superior alternative to the conventional command-and-control style of project management because they incorporate new values, practices, principles, and benefits. Even the C-suite is embracing the agile methodology as it permeates many different sectors and job responsibilities.
Although many businesses are using some Agile practices, they are still conducting business in a bureaucratic top-down manner. Businesses need to adopt agile management strategies in the market that is dominated by technology today.
Nonetheless, a lot of businesses are still having trouble making this change and still have a command-style mentality. The top management's thinking and abilities reflect this, and it is the biggest challenge facing businesses today.
Agile Practices
Agile practitioners don't use many of the many diverse agile practices that exist. Those who want to switch to the agile process should be aware of the many techniques so they may adapt it to their circumstances. The application of Agile principles is demonstrated in the following cases.
Daily Standup (Stand-Up Meetings)
Daily Scrum meetings are another name for daily stand-up meetings. The team holds daily Scrum meetings so they may exchange important information. These sessions are intended to keep everyone on the team equally informed and current on the project's status. Each meeting needs to be brief.
During the daily scrum meetings, each member should answer these three questions:
- What did I do yesterday?
- What will I do today?
- What problems are hindering my progress?
User Stories
A user story is a brief description of the function wanted by the end-user. There are three elements to the user story. They are:
- A written description, planning the story (usually written on a card)
- A conversation about the story to gain a better understanding
- A series of tests confirming the story.
The narratives are written with the end user in mind and in their own language. For developers and clients, stories serve as a form of exchange that both parties may easily grasp. Read more about the four reasons why user stories don't get "done" here.
Automated Testing
An essential component of the agile approach is the implementation of formal, comprehensive automated testing. To guarantee that a functional software package is provided to the customer, the tests identify and eliminate errors at their source.
While simultaneously constructing the software code, developers can use a range of accessible frameworks to create the test code as a safety net. While making changes to the software, this technique safeguards other functions. Also, it provides a quicker and more effective technique to detect program flaws.
Automated Builds
Having software running at all times is a fundamental tenet of Agile techniques. The only practical way to achieve this is to make sure that every software development is routinely and automatically compiled, built, deployed, and tested. When a developer "checks in" code as a significant portion of the development branch, this typically occurs frequently during the day, at least once.
Agile Planning: Release, Iteration and Task
There are three levels of Agile development planning: release, iteration, and task. In the beginning stages, project developers and customers meet to discuss the primary user stories that are needed for the software. The meeting’s initial focus is on the must-have features to estimate and prioritize what needs to be done.
Release planning is a customer-driven planning session. Both customers and developers choose a date for the first product release series. They collaboratively decide what stories to incorporate during each release. The developers focus on the estimate efforts of the story while the customers focus on the story selections. There are a variety of forms of estimate efforts that are determined by the needs and wants of the customer and development teams.
Iteration planning requires collaborative efforts between customers and developers to initiate part of the release plan. During iterations, the customer defines and prioritizes the user stories while the developers estimate how much effort is required to develop each user story. The timeline is much shorter for iterations, taking only weeks instead of months.
Task planning occurs after the iteration planning. Stories are broken down into a series of doable steps by the development team. Task lists are developed and posted in the project room so they are visible to all party members. Common tools used during this planning session include post-it notes and whiteboards. Each developer volunteers to perform a task and assign an estimate to it.
Pair Programming
In pair programming, two programmers collaborate on a single programming project. The first person enters the code, and the second person, the navigator, arranges the subsequent steps while integrating the code into the overall image.
The use of human resources in pair programming is frequently criticized. When one person can complete the task, it shouldn't require the assistance of two persons. Even if the programming requires more labor, the result is worthwhile.
According to a recent study, pair programming requires 15% more work but results in 15% fewer faults. Although outcomes may vary from case to instance, developers frequently find that the decrease in errors justifies the usage of additional resources.
Another advantage is that partnering is not necessary all the time. While selecting whether to pair up or not, teams are free to set their own guidelines and timetables.
Continuous Integration
Development teams enter their code into the system multiple times per day during continuous integration. Before the code is added, a number of tests are run to ensure that it won't interfere with any already-running tests or system functions.
Before merging the other codes, the developer must run all of the system's tests and address any issues. The quicker and simpler it is to merge and find mistakes, the more frequently code is integrated into the product.
Meetings known as retrospectives are held at the conclusion of a sprint. They provide an opportunity for everyone engaged to take stock of the work that was accomplished during the process.
The entire team considers what went well, what did not, where improvements can be made, and, most importantly, how to apply the lessons learned to make real change.
An intriguing and fascinating method of software development is agile management. Everyone engaged has a better experience when product developers and customers are included in the planning and implementation phases.
When agile programming is done correctly, businesses can constantly look for ways to give their consumers more value. It produces a more satisfying experience for the customer and greater meaning for people who are actively working on the product, yielding more generous outcomes for the business.